Weather Radar Systems

State-of-the-art Weather Radar Technology

State-of-the-art Weather Radar Technology

LEONARDO Germany GmbH provides highly accurate weather radars with field-proven reliability. Our METEOR range of C-Band, S-Band and X-Band radars employs breakthrough technologies from the meteorology, signal processing and engineering sectors, as well as the semi-conductor and IT industries to deliver the best possible quantitative data. METEOR weather radars are available with magnetron or klystron transmitters and dual polarization.

Accuracy and Reliability

Our low maintenance weather radar systems have been designed to suit the needs of operational radar users. Featuring narrow pencil beam antennas, unsurpassed step-response times in elevation and real-time digital signal processing means METEOR systems acquire extremely accurate atmospheric data at high speed.

Accuracy and Reliability

A Wide Range of Applications

A Wide Range of Applications

Together with Rainbow®, our best-in-class meteorological software, METEOR systems are used in operational radar meteorology, hydrology, aviation and research for the precise detection and tracking of thunderstorms, wind shear and other severe weather phenomena.

Equipping METEOR weather radars with dual polarization further enhances the measurement of precipitation intensity and makes way for the categorization of different types of hydrometeor such as drizzle, rain, hail and snow.

Leonardo Germany